Tensing trial week two

It took until Wednesday morning to get a jury seated and sworn in. The jurors were then taken to the scene of the shooting by bus. On Thursday testimony began with a University of Cincinnati Police Lieutenant who manages the department’s body cameras. The jurors were then shown the body cam of Tensing in real time from the time it was initiated until it was turned off. That was approximately 30 minutes. The jury also heard from the first officer to arrive at the scene to back-up Tensing with the stop. Officer Phillip Kidd testified he saw Tensing fall backward from Dubose’s car, but did not see him being dragged.

On Friday sparks flew in the Court. The first witness was the owner of the vehicle Samuel Dubose was driving. She was called by the prosecution to tell the jury she had given Dubose permission to drive the car. On cross examination, she admitted that Dubose had previously sold marijuana. The next witness was the lead homicide investigator who stunned everyone when she testified that the prosecutor’s office did not want her input on the case. Under cross examination she testified that the shooting may well have been justified.

Monday will bring a former Toronto, Canada police officer who broke the body camera video into milliseconds.

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