The only information available to the general public concerning the decision to use force by police comes from entertainment television and media outlets. That is both mis and dis-information. The “decision” to use force by police officers is rarely an action. When it is an action, it is usually wrong. Rather, it is a response […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Why prosecutions of cops almost always fail
Prosecutors and District Attorneys are elected by the voters while State’s Attorneys are generally appointed by the Governor of the State. The commonality is that their livelihood hinges on their political support. The result is that they literally throw cops “under the bus” to appease a segment of the community who are screaming for blood. […]
Why would anyone want to be a cop
In 2014 Officer Darren Wilson was involved in a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri resulting in the death of Michael Brown. The feckless Department of Justice, headed by Eric Holder, sent an invading army into the small City with the intent of prosecuting Wilson for a federal crime under the Civil Rights Law. Wilson exhibited […]
A seach case with national implications
A case which may have national implications will be heard by the Ohio Supreme Court this session. The question(s) that it will raise is whether: (1) School employees are agents of the government and therefore governed by the Fourth Amendment; and (2) whether a school holds the special status similar to that of an Airport […]